The electric buzz of caffeine ignites my brain and fingertips, compliments of a recent cup of Nespresso, or so it appears. It turns out Double Espresso Dolce is my jam, especially when served in a fall-themed Seattle tumbler from Starbucks with a heavy dose of Caramel Macchiato and Cinnamon Roll creamers, non-dairy of course. But the buzz has precious little to do with my beverage of choice. You see, it’s time once again to write.
To put it politely, a bit of time has passed since I last shared something new on this old gal (my blog). The last Weekend Roundup was over four years ago (gasp) when I was entering my second trimester of a much-wanted yet surprise pregnancy, emphasis on surprise. Naïvely, I assumed being pregnant would birth creatively but, as it turns out, pregnancy kind of sucked the life out of me (I mean this in the best way possible, I hope you know). All creative energy as I once knew basically shriveled up and died. I’m not at all being dramatic. Being pregnant at 39 and having a fourth child at 40 was a bit much, though it was the joy and privilege of my life, all the same. The aftermath of my son’s birth, however, was when things got interesting. Life was perfect, in a sense, or as perfect as can be with two adults, four growing children and a little hypoallergenic dog crammed in a 1300 square foot rambler in the outskirts of Seattle. My son, he was perfect in every way, except for a hearing loss not present at birth. Sleep-deprived me couldn’t think about it, definitely couldn’t write about it. I was blindsided, shell-shocked, my soul stripped bare.
Spoiler alert: God healed Noah, fully, completely.
To God be the glory.
Even now, I can hardly write about this unexpected miracle. It’s too wonderful for words, too holy to make sense of and also a little too horrible to relive.
And time marched on.
As babies do, my boy grew to be a tremendous and terrible toddler who grew into a ruddy man-child who now attends preschool at the little church down the road from our new home in Snohomish, Washington. It turns out raising four kids is the utmost splendid adventure on the planet but it’s one that leaves little time to scratch one’s head in amazement or in wonderment (and sometimes horror) of it all. But God has been prompting. It’s time.
There’s lots to cover after four years of not writing. So let’s just not and say we did. Let’s pick up where we left off.
Since it’s been a minute, how about I offer a refresher on all things Weekend Roundup? Long ago, I was part of a writing group called Hope*writers that grew to be a ginormous writing group in my absence. I haven’t exactly been an active member but I joined Hope*writers when the monthly fee was low. I’m not a life member but this group is basically stuck with me for life because I can’t afford to quit and rejoin later. The monthly membership fee has risen much like the housing market. I digress. Back to the Weekend Roundup. Roughly once a week I pick a few articles that I find intriguing, funny or heartwarming to share from the folks in my group that I hope will resinate with you, sprinkled with my own random (and I do mean random) life observations.
Since Noah will need to be picked up from preschool VERY soon, I’m going to dive right in.
This week, Hope*writer Jennifer Wier wrote a mini devotional of sorts on her website about the Biblical story of Hagar. Here you go. You remember Hagar, Sarah’s handmaiden. No one really talks about her. We hear more about Abraham and Sarah and their promised son, Isaac. I encourage you to take a minute and read this article. Personally, I’ve read Hagar’s story many a time but it never really penetrated my heart like it did today. So many powerful (and applicable) truths about God and how much he loves us.
Forget transitions, I’m taking a hard right with this one. I highly enjoyed reading about Queen Elizabeth from April J. Harris of Making the Most of Life at Home and Away. Here’s the linky-link for you. I enjoyed reading quotes from the late queen, more than I thought I would. But it’s more than that. Seriously, you can file this post of heartfelt and inspiring quotes under Personal Growth. What’s more, author April J. Harris happens to be from the south of England which means she has authority. Or at least more authority that someone who hails from the wrong side of the pond. I mean, I don’t even like tea unless Honey Citrus Mint Tea from Starbucks counts or whatever yummy tea my friend Afton served around the fire pit at our summer book club.
You need to read the next essay. It’s my favorite. Author Ann Averill wrote an essay titled I Never Wanted to Be a Teacher. Go ahead and click the link on her blog that will take you to the actual article because Ann was a guest contributor on someone else’s website. It doesn’t really matter what Ann writes about. She has a strong and memorable writer voice. Ann could write about dirt and it would be beautiful. But go ahead and read it because her words matter. To be honest, I almost didn’t read her essay because I never wanted to be anything but a teacher. I’m so glad I did. I would have missed out had I scrolled on to the next submission by my writerly friends.
Well folks, preschool has come and gone. So has the afternoon appointment with the dog groomer, and a quick trip to Target where I unfortunately stumbled upon Himalayan Salted Dark Chocolate Almonds which I’m pretty sure will be the death of me. The big kids are home as well. Emily is doing homework upstairs in her teen cave. Steven is supposed to be completing homework and Lauren is immersed in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, which I have a soft spot for. Noah is probably tormenting our dog, Chloe. Greg called to say he’s on his way home to pick me up for a super HOT date at Costco. One must prepare for all that sexy. Maybe I’ll brush my teeth. I may even floss. If all goes well, I’ll see you back here next Friday for another Weekend Roundup.