Hello lovelies! I’m itching to write this afternoon but life in the form of summer vacation and home improvement projects is where it’s at right now. Writing isn’t.
But my heart is full, very full. After nearly thirteen years of living in the little grey-blue rambler we call home, I finally have a home for my books. I couldn’t be happier.
Though I confess, I’m feeling like a failure as a mother right now, and a failure as a person in general. You see, we’re in the middle of filling the new bookcases with our family’s favorites and it’s come to my attention that I misplaced my Chronicles of Narnia collection. Also missing: Emily of New Moon Trilogy and Pride and Prejudice (gasp). I know. I have a darling friend from my old church who keeps three, yes three, copies of Pride and Prejudice in her bookcase at all times. Just in case. She’s a wise, wise woman.
I think I need a moment of silence to properly lament my first world misfortunes.
(Moment of silence)
Talk about being brave when life is hard. Notice that I discreetly slipped in my tagline? Did you know I have a tagline? It’s now official.
Anyway, I may need to tap into Chloe’s bag of carrots for this.
The good news is that Emily came across my E.B. White Collection while gutting the bedroom she shares with Lauren. She also discovered the Little House books and The Princess and the Goblin beneath the rubble. She won’t let me keep her two illustrated Harry Potter books or El Deafo in the new white bookcase. I’m holding onto hope.
That is all.
P.S. What are your favorite books?
Linda Isler says
Beautifully arranged bookcases! Love this, although Pride and Prejudice is not one of my favorites. I know. I actually have a list of hundreds that I’ve enjoyed, but since I’m not a re-reader, I have very few books to display. But I enjoy your writing and looking at your book collection!
nicoletwedt says
We can still be writing friends.