Every now and then I get a chance to share a few words in the form of a Mentor Moment with my local MOPS group. MOPS is an acronym for Mothers of Preschoolers. The gist of MOPS is No Mom Alone, at least it was during my first foray with the group, back when my big kids were littles. I’m pretty sure the point is the same: to provide a place for mothers of young children to get the support and love they need to know they’re not alone in this challenging yet breathtaking season of life. It’s also all about Jesus.
Good morning! I’m Nicole. I’m the mentor mom who is more like your big sister. At least that’s what I tell myself. Those of you who’ve been around this group for a bit know I’m the mentor mom who basically got knocked up and had a baby at 40. I know what it’s like to be in the trenches of motherhood because I’m very much still in the trenches of motherhood. I’m also the mentor mom with ADHD so I can pretty much guarantee I’ll be all over the place this morning. Hang in there. I’ve come to learn that because my mind is everywhere, I see God everywhere, too.
I set off to write a mentor moment peppered with humor.
SIDE NOTE #1: I’m not that funny. Everything I came up with was lame. And when I say lame, I may or may not have been planning a dry-shampoo tutorial. Besides, I actually washed my hair last night.
Instead, what I’d like to do this morning is acknowledge that life is hard right now for many of you. BUT there is good news: You are not alone in these hard times.
SIDE NOTE #2: YOU ARE NOT ALONE is basically like saying WE GO TOGETHER. And WE GO TOGETHER is this year’s theme at MOPS. How about that?
You are welcome here. You belong. You are worthy, and I really hope you’ll put yourself out there, be vulnerable, take a few risks, at least enough to experience true friendship and community with the women at your table and in this group. We go together in the beautiful yet terrible trenches of motherhood.
I’m supposed to encourage you but this mentor moments has nothing to do with me giving you advice or me being your personal cheerleader, cheering for you on the sideline.
SIDE NOTE #3 I’m an introvert. I’m more likely to be found whispering positive affirmations in your ear. There will be no yelling.
Side notes aside, the point I’m trying to make is this: Maybe you’ve heard it before, maybe you haven’t. You are not alone because WE GO TOGETHER. WE (as in you and me, all of us in our MOPS group) GO TOGETHER with GOD through his son JESUS. I know I’m risking sounding cheesy when I say it, but I’m saying it: You are not alone. You are deeply loved by the savior of the word. And with him, YOU WILL NEVER BE ALONE.
This is a dark yet incredible world. Life is an adventure and it is glorious, blah, blah, blah. The truth is that life is indeed glorious but it can be so incredibly hard and sometimes downright painful and lonely. But friend, hope and heartache go hand in hand. I’ll say it again: Hope and heartache go hand in hand. Know why?
Jesus Christ died for you. Not just for the world collectively but for YOU personally, so that when you ask him in, his Holy Spirit, his Presence, will be with you wherever you go. He knows who you are, he knows where you’ve been, and where you’re going. He knows the very number of hairs on your head in the most non-creepy way possible. He is your biggest fan, your greatest advocate.
I know life is hard right now.
SIDE NOTE #4: It’s been hard for me too.
I thought 2020 was bad but 2022 has been an epic dumpster fire year. I’ve had so many “what’s the point of it all?” thoughts. I’m not ashamed to say it. But you know what? If anything this intense moment in time is reminding me that I am deeply loved, and I’m not alone. God is with me and I have a story to tell. You have a story to tell. Not every season is good but he is good. Despite what’s happened, he loves me. He loves you too. And he longs to reveal himself to you so you can go through life in hope, purpose and love and in great joy.
I’m no expert. I’m hardly what you’d call a mentor because I mess up all the time. I seldom have my act together. I can’t even hear well. But I know Jesus. I know him. There’s nothing you can do to add or take away what he did on the cross for you. He died for your sins to give you new life. Not just everlasting life in heaven but hope for here and now. To give you hope and strength and great joy for today because WE GO TOGETHER WITH THE VERY ONE WHO CREATED US.
SIDE NOTE 5: If you’d like to know more about God and this Jesus and the Holy Spirit, particularly if you’re curious about why I’m gushing over Jesus, I would love to walk along side you and answer your questions or pray with you. Any of us at MOPS would love to pray with you. Or maybe you’re having a hard time. We’re here for you, too, because WE GO TOGETHER.
P.S. SIDE NOTE #6: I forgot the prayer. Hailey had to pray before our breakfast portion of the meeting.