I mean no disrespect by using this image in a Weekend Roundup devoted to Good Friday. It is like I’m ignoring the horrors of today and all Good Friday Stands for by skipping right to the joy of resurrection Sunday, to Easter. I’m going with the image anyway. It’s been a challenging week around here. For whatever reason, the image beckons me. It’s very hopeful, very spring-y. I am all about spring.
Speaking of which, is it spring break in your neck of the woods? In our district spring break technically starts on Monday. The kids are already out due to parent/teacher/student conferences that happened earlier in the week. You bet I scheduled them early. So long responsibilities, so long school. See ya, I wouldn’t want to be ya!
Back to Good Friday and Holy Week in general. Good Friday deserves words, lots of words. After all, I’m a feeler who feels all the feels and rarely ever shies away from words, at least written words. But I’ve got nothing to share about this sacred day in history. You see, I’m heavily involved in a secret project that is sucking me dry in the best way possible. This little project of hope I’m working on, well, it’s all I think about these days. The cat will be out of the bag in a few weeks, another month at the latest. Hang tight, dear ones. It’s a huge announcement and will be worth the wait. I promise.
Luckily, my friends at Hope*Writers are not shy on words about Good Friday. Hope*Writers, if you don’t know, is an online community of writers that I’ve been part of for the last few years. Ideally, I share a Weekend Roundup every Friday to showcase the very best of Hope*Writers, or at least my favorites. I use the words “every Friday” loosely. The last weekend roundup, I’m embarrassed to say, happened around Valentine’s Day. You can read it here if you’d like.
Moving on.
Some prefer coffee, others tea. Just like some people prefer prose, others poetry. I’m definitely a prose and coffee kind-of-gal.(Unless it’s the passion tea with lemonade that my friend Jen serves.) That said, I’m hardly against poetry. In fact, bring on the poems! This is probably an awkward way to introduce a poem by Leigh Sain that you can find at the end of her marvelous post, What’s So Good About Good Friday?
The next writer I’m going to showcase is Karen over at Lightly Frayed. Karen is all about encouraging mamas and her article, When A Mom’s Easter Story Begins to Fall Apart, doesn’t disappoint. Read how one mom didn’t give up when Easter celebrations weren’t perfect.
Next up is Dorina’s essay, “Resurrection Rising: How To Wait Through The Winter Of Grief.” I wasn’t able to create a direct link for some reason. But click here and scroll down to the essay titled “Resurrection Rising.” You won’t be sorry. Dorina’s essay is filled to the brim with beauty and hope!
I was captivated by Terri’s message when I discovered her blog post in my inbox this morning (or maybe it was last night). In a stunning post titled, Remembering The Solar Eclipse On Good Friday, Terri connects the events of Good Friday to the recent total solar eclipse. This will be a particularly meaningful read for my PNW friends who were able to trek to Oregon last summer for the solar eclipse.
The following is an older article submitted by Vanessa from At The Picket Fence. When You Don’t Feel Easter-y is absolutely perfect and perhaps explains why I’m drawing a blank this year as far as writing about Good Friday, Easter and the entire Holy Week and, really, anything other than my secret project.
The above essays fit (a little too) nicely together for my taste. I like to vary what I showcase in my Weekend Roundups. I’m well-aware that must people prefer writers to stick to a theme while offering less randomness and more flow. Ah well. I’m throwing in a final resource from Emily and the gals over at Kindred Mom about Becoming a Resilient Mom. The series has absolutely nothing to do with Easter or Holy Week, but I’m going to go with it. Moms need encouragement all the time. You can find the Resilient Mom series here.
Friends, the kids are due back from A Wrinkle In Time with Nana and Grandpa Dave at any moment. It’s time to wrap this baby up. I hope your Easter weekend is meaningful and your spring break restful and/or adventurous depending on your temperament. He has risen. He has risen indeed.
P.S. Did you catch my latest book recommendation post? You can catch it here.