From February 11, 2017
I’m basically copying and pasting something I wrote as my Facebook status after Steven’s appointment.
To all of my friends familiar with Steven’s vision story: we received the best news from his pediatric optometrist yesterday. For the next three months we only have to patch two, yes two, hours a day! In almost eight years, minus the times we’ve had to use eye drops to blur vision or left a contact out to act like patching during infancy and toddlerhood, we have never, ever had to patch for only two hours!
You guys, this news is the best news ever! I’m so thankful and excited and absolutely feeling every single feeling in between, and you all know I have big feelings.
Not only that, Steven’s behavior was nothing short of amazing during the exam! He even held the door open for me several times. He was polite and conversed well with Dr. P. For those who know my out-of-the-box child, you know this was a day of double miracles.
The heart of this mama was dreading Steven’s appointment. We’ve received such good news, but also much bad news during our visits with the pediatric optometrist. I will praise God after each type of visit, but oh, what a relief!
In response to our good news, the Presbyterian girl in me can’t help thinking of the Doxology. My voice is shot from this cold and I can’t breathe well enough to sing it, but I’ll write it here for you, after all, writing is my jam.
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
praise him, all creatures here below;
praise him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.